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Workpackage 3

Interoperability between the gateway and Europeana

Workpackage leader: Nationaal Archief - The Hague - The Netherlands


  • Establish a permanent and close collaboration between Europeana and the APEnet project, provide information about Europeana to the APEnet project team and provide resources from the archive domain to the Europeana project team,
  • Define, develop and implement interoperability by creating and testing an interface for data sharing between Archives Portal Europe and Europeana, to enable Archives Portal Europe to be searchable through Europeana.

The Europeana project will provide the European archives a perfect opportunity to get more attention for their material, so Archives Portal Europe will have its contents directly searchable through Europeana.

In return, the APEnet project will assist in offering collective and standardised access to an extensive body of archival resources, which will be a great advantage for Europeana, being able to harvest as many digitized records as possible, via a single target such as Archives Portal Europe, and showing integrated results.

The Europeana project is already defining organisational and technical interoperability rules and identifying user requirements, which is why it is important for the APEnet project team to observe the work of the Europeana project team from a very early stage.

WP3 will provide a strong liaison between the Europeana and the APEnet project teams, which will enable both to enrich each others results by exploring, comparing and integrating domain specific formats, standards and technical insights, thus developing the best possible gateways, to the benefit of every consumer of European cultural heritage, whether globally or in-depth interested.

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